Praslin Wall Mural
Praslin is the second largest island in the Seychelles area, a true tropical paradise. You might not ever have the opportunity to travel to this beautiful secluded island, but you do not have to. Instead, you now have the opportunity to enjoy this rich and luscious beach scene every day from your own home. You will love the way this Praslin wall mural brings one of the most tropical areas on earth to any room in your home.
All it takes is one look at this beautiful Praslin wall hanging to feel comprehensive relaxation. You will love this tropical island scene, complete with epic palm trees and gently lapping waves rolling up onto the pristine and white sandy beach. This brilliant image succeeds in creating a warm glow throughout the entire room. All it takes is one of these wall murals and you will be able to host guests with great pride. In fact, the mural’s ability to enhance the positive energy of any room also makes it a popular choice in conference rooms and office meeting rooms, putting everyone at ease and in a good mood. You might also find it fun to learn that Praslin was once a hideaway destination for pirates!
This fantastically beautiful tropical mural depicts a beach of Praslin. This island has been called the Garden of Eden Paradise and has also served as a hideaway for pirates.
- 12' 1" x 8' 4"
- 8 Panel Mural
- Paste Included
- Vinyl Coated Pape